Intervall fasting 16 8 & more - studies, experience & muscle building

Intervall fasting is a regular basis practiced on a regular basis to stay healthy, fit and focused in everyday life. Studies on interval fasting, regardless of whether 16 8, 20 4 or 5 2, have shown the positive effects on our body and mind. Both athletes and hobby athletes can benefit from permanent interval fasting, especially with endurance sports and muscle building without desired weight gain.
In this article we would therefore like to give you a detailed overview of the most important topics related to interval fasting.
Table of contents
- What is interval fasting?
- Which interval fasting is best?
- Is interval fasting healthy?
- Intervall fasting for sports and muscle building
- Conclusion
1. What is interval fasting?
Intervall fasting describes a nutritional plan in which the food is mainly taken into account instead of the food. The day or week is divided into times when eating and fasting is eaten.
The aim of interval fasting is to get a routine in the nutrition plan in which the body uses excess sugar and fats before it gets new nutrients. According to studies, this has numerous health benefits such as weight control and even prevention and dissolving diseases.
These advantages come loudly Mark Mattson, Author and professor of neuroscience, that our bodies from times of hunters and collectors are actually designed to get by long periods of time without food and, despite this interval fasting, to perform in sports.
Nowadays, however, we spend significantly more time sitting and lying down instead of running around, jumping, running or even climbing. In addition, we eat more per meal and more often. This leads to an increased risk of diabetes, obesity and other suffering.
2. Which interval fasting is best?
As individual as the inevitable interval fasting was, the various methods are as numerous today. You will only find out which method of interval fasting is the best for you by trying, but with the following overview and the following studies and experiences we can hopefully give you an insight.
2.1. Intervall fasting 16 8
The 16 8 interval fasting lies between the 18 6 and 14 8 variant and is undoubtedly the most popular.
For example, you can start granting yourself a time window of 8 coherent hours a day when you eat and 16 hours in which you do not eat.
For example: from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. there is a meal time and from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. is resting time.
Of course, this does not mean that you should always eat during the meal time. It is also about better understanding the signals of your body and being more active throughout the day by eating smaller meals, regardless of whether 16 8 or 18 6 etc. who saturate you, but do not fill you up to the stop.
Just do your stomach to digest your meals! On the one hand you can control that on the one hand and on the other hand about what you eat.
After the first meal, you may be hungry again after 3 to 4 hours and will eat something small again. It is important that it is not about snacking, but taking small, quickly digestible meals and waiting for the signal of your stomach until it tells you that it is really empty.
In the evening it is important that you have digested everything before you lie down in bed. Otherwise you have an extreme blood sugar shock in the middle of the night and your body does not know where to put all the energy.
2.2. 18/6, 20/4, 14/10 interval fasting methods
In addition to the 16 8 method of interval fasting, there are numerous variations. The differences here are in the time period in which you are eating or not eating.
With the 18/6 method you have a full 18 hours of Lent and for the 20/4 method for 20 hours in which you do not eat anything. The 14/10 method, on the other hand, is the simplest of the interval fasting methods. You are experiencing here z. B. from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and nothing to eat from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m.
The principle should now be clear.
2.3. 5/2 interval fasting
The 5/2 method is a slightly different type of interval fasting. Here you share the week in 5 days, in which you eat three times a day as usual and in 2 days in which you fast.
The basic idea of the 5/2 interval fasting is simple, you reduce your kcal two days a week, whether coherent or not. at approx. 500.
For example, by two meals with 250 calories each. So that you can do this, you naturally have to eat extremely fiber -rich.
3. Is interval fasting healthy?
In addition to the small side effects such as hunger, abdominal pain and low blood pressure, as far as is known, there are only advantages in fasting.
Fasting means that the stomach remains empty over a longer period of time and thereby is given the opportunity to clean remnants. In addition, it is absolutely advantageous to treat the stomach a rest phase. Just as every athlete keeps resting phases, we should keep “food rest phases”. Intervall fasting forces us in a good way to phases of peace!
Studies also show that when the fasting phases, the body begins to consume yourself! He starts with the Glycogen stores on which are also filled first when you eat. After more than 12 hours, fat cells or fatty acids are started and after about 50-60 hours the defective cells and proteins are on the collar. This process will Autophagy called.
Intervall fasting or fasting in general can therefore be a real weapon against aging and even Cancer represent. It also gives you a better hunger satellite experience and understanding about the mechanism of your body. Not every growl from the stomach has to end in a snack and not every extremely delicious dish has to be eaten, from you to the stop. Over time, you notice that in the predominant phases of your life you need significantly less food than you think.
3.1. Studies interval fasting 16 8 health
Not all study results we listed relate to the 16 8 method of interval fasting, but it is the most used.
Numerous studies show that interval fasting is healthy that describe a reduction and normalization of the body fat content, reduction of inflammation and improved cell renewal. According to Mark Mattson, interval fasting should also reduce type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and age -related neurodegenerative diseases cause.
- Improvement of the Memory
- Reduces oxidative stress and Inflammation, similar Antioxidants
- Improved cardiac health such as blood pressure and calm heartbeat
- Cell repair through autophagy
- Fat loss with the same muscle mass
- Risk reduction for type 2 diabetes and obesity
- Possible protection of the cells Cancer mutation
- More resistant and faster healing tissue
- Possible Protection in front of Alzheimer, Parkinson and Huntington
Also show Studiesthat the life span of animals can be extended by a double -digit percentage range if you fast.
4. Intervall fasting for sports and muscle building
Unfortunately, there are no studies that athletes examined for their performance that have been doing interval fasting for years. All studies refer to brief intermittent fasting or Muslim athletes who do not eat anything during the day during the day. The most common method of interval fasting in studies is 16 8.
These studies show that interval fasting can be both positive and negative for sport or sporting performance, the type of sport is crucial. When building muscle, interval fasting affects the weight gain of the muscles, but not the gain in strength. More details in the following sections.
4.1. Highly intensive training hit
At high intensity training, for short HIT, the sprint time of Athlete while Ramadan examines. The result was a significant reduction in speed.
A similar study examined the influence of a three-day interval fast on the performance of sprinters in sprint sports. They also found a drastic increase in the term and thus reduction performance.
A reduction in performance during sports during the sport of the 16 8 interval fasting could also be determined for cyclists.
A longer designed Wingate test The study, on the other hand, shows that the performance in sports returns to the initial level after a time of about 10 days.
4.2. Endurance sport
During endurance sports, no negative, but also no positive effects from interval fasting on performance during Cardio Sport, could not be found in endurance sports.
Also the Endurance performance The result of cyclists with the result of a significantly lower performance.
Long -term attempts With mice, on the other hand, a significant increase in endurance performance has shown.
Unfortunately, these mixed results do not allow a clear conclusion. Intervall fasting therefore seems to have a negative or neutral effect on sporting performance. In none of the studies, however, the long -term effect on the body was examined. Due to the positive properties on health, interval fasting could maintain the body's performance into old age.
4.3. Extra sport, muscle building and interval fasting
The Studies For muscle building and strength sport during the 16 8 interval fasting are much more promising, at least for those who gain strength, reduce fat and still want to remain "lean".
Several studies came to the conclusion that interval fasting in conjunction with strength sports reduces the increase in new muscle mass, but at the same time enables an strength increase and fat reduction. This leads to a generally more athletic body image.
5. What eating at interval fasting 16 8
The good for interval fasting, whether 16 8 or 20 4 etc. is that you can generally eat everything. Intervall fasting is therefore not a direct diet, but rather a schedule after you should eat.
However, a normal diet does not mean that you should stuff yourself with fried over large portions of fast food during the food phases. This would have an equally negative effect on your health as it would have without interval fasting.
Some tips on what you can eat at interval fasting 16 8 etc.:
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Rice, potatoes, pasta
- legumes
- Meat, fish, eggs
- Tofu, Seitan, Temh
Drinks that you can drink during interval fasting 16 8 etc. (outside the meal phase):
- Tea like Guayusa tea (reduces the feeling of hunger and keeps awake without side effects)
- Black coffee (not recommended due to coffee acid)
- Tea with coffee taste (Pleasant effect on empty stomach)
- Green, black, herbal, fruit teas
- Water
Avoid drinking the following outside of the meal phases:
- Coffee or tea with milk
- Energy drinks
- juices
- Soft drinks
- Milk & alternatives
- Everything that has calories.
You will find more information in our article "Intervall fasting and drinking, what is allowed?"
6. Conclusion
Fasting and especially interval fasting 16 8 seem to have enormous advantages for our physical and mental health.
Studies in relation to how healthy interval fasting can be for us show a significant improvement in the general body state. In this way, blood pressure can be normalized, the risk for type 2 diabetes is reduced and cell renewal is stimulated.
Intervall fasting can also make a positive difference for you for sports areas, provided that you upright this type of nutrition for a long time. In normal training, fat cells are reduced and muscle strength is built up. The muscle building, in terms of weight gain, is reduced when interval fasting is reduced. This reduction in muscle building is not a reduction in the existing muscle mass, this remains the same. Rather, it is a decrease in building new muscle mass, which you have a particularly athletic body.