Drink less coffee or stop completely, so the waiver works!

Weniger Kaffee Trinken oder ganz aufhören, So klappt der Verzicht!


Coffee is the most widely traded beverage in terms of raw materials, although it is often used by many consumers Causes problemsIn this article we will therefore discuss how you can drink less coffee, piece by piece, in order to then completely renounce or stop drinking coffee. to stop. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.



  1. Why drink less coffee?
  2. Side effects
  3. How to drink less coffee and then stop altogether
    1. If you drink coffee for pleasure
    2. When you drink coffee to be awake
  4. Conclusion


1. Why drink less coffee?

If you want to drink less coffee, it's probably because you feel pain or general discomfort after consuming it.

This is not uncommon and can be attributed to certain characteristics of coffee, which we will discuss in more detail.

Before that, however, the question arises for what reason do you drink coffee?

Is it for pleasure or to be awake? If you belong to the pleasure group, you don't have to give up coffee altogether, but make a small change. More about this in our article "Drink less coffee without giving up“.

If you belong to a group that wants to be more alert, for example to perform more at work, then there are significantly better ways than coffee, which are also healthier and cheaper. In our blog you will find many posts that can help you decide. For example, our comparisons of Top five natural energy drinksthe comparison of Caffeinated teasor our extensive free e-book in which we compare all known caffeinated drinks with each other. You can do it to anyone Order or in the Download newsletter.


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2. Side effects

The Side effects of coffee we will also discuss in another blog article.

The most common side effects of years of high coffee consumption are the following:

  • Heartburn
  • Heart rate
  • Hiccups
  • Stomach growl

If you are affected by any of these side effects, you should urgently not only drink less coffee, but stop drinking it altogether. We'll explain how you can do it in the next paragraph.

Coffee side effects


3. How to drink less coffee and then stop altogether

3.1. If you drink coffee for pleasure

There is no exact substitute for your favorite coffee. Surely you have already heard of lupine coffee and check coffee etc., but the truth is that they simply taste significantly different and a direct coffee waiver is not possible, moreover, the caffeine is missing. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Caffeine is also not the cause of stomach problems such as heartburn. Drinked in the right form and quantity, caffeine does not cause any Side effectsbut has many Advantages.

The best alternative is a coffee mix of professional and hand-roasted beans and Guayusa Leaves. Hand-roasted beans are therefore important because industrial roasted beans are heated much too much during roasting and the roasting substances in addition to the caffeine have a negative effect on the stomach. Guayusa Leaves fit perfectly because they are very gentle in taste and thus do not affect the original coffee taste so much. In addition, the Guayusa Caffeine, more than coffee. More about Guayusa in our article "What is Guayusa Tea“.

With the help of our Coffee-Guayusa Mix you can drink 50% less coffee from one day to the next without having to give up the pleasure. Guayusa has a alkaline effect and thus balances the aggressive coffee acid, in addition, it counteracts the other unpleasant effects of coffee such as palpitations and hiccups.

The beans used in our mix come as follows: Guayusa also, from ecological and biodiverse forest gardens Ecuador. They are roasted by hand and have already won several awards for the best international smallholder Robusta coffee. You can find out everything about our development process in the post "Read more"New variety – Guayusa-Tea and coffee“.

Your stomach and clear mind will rejoice. You can order our Coffee-Guayusa Mix in our ShopThis way you can drink 50% less coffee without compromise without having to stop.

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3.2. If you drink coffee to be more awake

If you drink coffee to be more awake, you will probably drink many cups a day and also feel some of the above side effects. Coffee, by the way, is considered a so-called nootropic. What it is and why coffee is one of the most inefficient nootropics, we explain in our post on Modafinil, Ritalin, NZT and alternatives.

The feeling of waking in coffee is almost exclusively triggered by caffeine. This is chemically almost unbound in the coffee bean and can therefore act particularly quickly. This often leads to heart palpitations, hiccups and erratic thoughts, similar to the consumption of Energy drinks

You now have the opportunity to drink significantly less coffee by also using our 50/50 Mix Guayusa + Coffee or you give up altogether.

If you want to stop drinking coffee completely and not just drink less, there is Guayusa as a special more effective and efficient Stimulators on. Guayusa is that most caffeine-rich leaf in the worldwith up to 7,6% caffeine far more than Coffee, MatchaGuarana and Mate tea.

Thanks to the unique Ingredients there is no palpitations, no stomach problems and no sudden thoughts. On the contrary, you feel awake, focused, relaxed and powerful at the same time.

The Indigenous people of Ecuador use Guayusa before hunting and field work, they say „Guayusa sharpens the senses, focuses the mind and strengthens the body! ".

Guayusa can also be very easy as a tea prepareIf you want our Guayusa Powder you can even use it like coffee in a mocha, coffee maker or Dripper to prepare.

Why drink less coffee and stop or give up?


4. Conclusion

Drinking less coffee or quitting altogether is often easier said than done. For some it's the coffee taste that makes them want and for others it's the stimulant effect.

However, at the latest when the side effects such as palpitations, stomach problems and hiccups become too strong, it is time to drink at least less coffee.

Guayusa offers the best alternative to coffee, it keeps you awake long and pleasantly, increases physical performance and protects the stomach through its alkaline effect.

The best varieties for a strong effect are PURE, DARK and PURE-POWDERFor those who only drink less coffee, but do not want to stop, our Guayusa-Coffee mix the best alternative.


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