Guayusa Buy tea from DM and Rossmann

Many of our customers would be their favorite guards Guayusa tea Also like to buy in the shop from DM or Rossmann. Unfortunately, this is not possible so far!
We explain why this is so in this article.
- Guayusa Buy tea at DM drugstore
- Guayusa Buy tea from Rossmann
- Alternative to DM and Rossmann
- Discount and free tea accessories
1. Guayusa Buy tea at DM drugstore
DM is one of the largest German drugstores and also offers food. Disappointingly, however, DM does not offer any Guayusa Tea.
In order to obtain a list from DM, a large wallet is required. For a list of several Guayusa Tea at DM would be, as with Rewe or EDEKA sometimes pay 6-digit sums. Unfortunately, this is unrealistic for a stat-up.
Other ways are investor contacts or the fact that you are already listed with other products.
There GUYA Since the foundation and sale of the first Guayusa Tees has grown completely without investor money, the last two points for a list also fall Guayusa Tea away at DM.
2. Guayusa Buy tea from Rossmann
Rossmann is also known and represented throughout Germany. Of course it would be nice if customers Guayusa Could buy tea from Rossmann.
In this way we could do millions of people for Guayusa Tea inspires and Rossmann would have a new and unique article in the range. Guayusa However, it is a high -priced food, especially for "tea" and that is reluctant to see individual dealers.
The reality is unfortunately similar to DM. Rossmann requires a listing fee, connection (vitamin B) and/or high discounts when introducing new products such as Guayusa Tea. Rossmann must be granted the discounts on our part, with Rossmann and Co. demanding the full price from the customer.
In addition, buyers of these large chains Start-up like GUYA Often do not take seriously, so that emails, calls or even direct conversations run at trade fairs in the sand.
Too bad, because our internal statistics show that our customers are steadily coming back because they are from the Guayusa Effect are enthusiastic. Rossmann and DM could get their customers through the sale of Guayusa Tea therefore lure into the store again and again. ;)
3. Alternative to DM and Rossmann
It is currently the only alternative to DM and Rossmann Guayusa Tea about our On-line-Shop to buy.
Of course, this is not optimal, since each customer receives an individually delivered package that is sailed throughout Germany.
However, it is not as bad as many claim. You look at our massive CO₂ equalizationwhich we through Reforestation and the Cultivation method of Guayusa promote, it becomes clear that our Guayusa Tea CO₂ positive is. You can find out more about our transparent work Youtube channel.
We bind more CO₂ than we produce through processing, transport and packaging. One Permaculture bind to 5x more CO₂ As a German mixed forest!
4. Discount and free tea accessories
With the Discount code „DM-Rossmann-5“Get us in our Shop permanently on all Guayusa Teas and accessories products 5% discountIf you are in our Newsletter Registration test even 10% discount.
In addition, you can get free tea accessories from a higher purchase value. Of the Glass teapot with tea strainer, Tea glass, Stainless steel tea strainer up to the Togo thermos with tea sieve Depending on the action, everything was already there.
We offer you with our many Guayusa sorts Also a great selection for every day.
We look forward to your purchase and hope to have given you an insight behind the scenes of the food industry and retail chains.