Which coffee for stomach problems and heartburn?

If you drink a lot of coffee, you will most likely or later or later suffer from stomach problems, heartburn and other side effects. It plays a crucial role in which coffee is drunk with these stomach problems, because not every coffee is equally aggressive.
In this article you will find out which coffee you should drink when you suffer from stomach problems, soding and general malaise.
- Why stomach problems and heartburn of coffee
- Drink and stop less coffee?
- Change coffee - avoid stomach problems and heartburn?
- Which coffee for stomach problems and heartburn?
- Guayusa As a coffee alternative
- Conclusion
1. Why stomach problems and heartburn of coffee?
Not only you, also many other people get stomach problems and heartburn from coffee alongside heartbeat and the increased stress level. These problems occur most frequently when you belong to one of the following groups:
- You have been drinking coffee regularly for many years
- You drink coffee on an empty stomach in the morning
- You drink very cheap coffee from the discounter
- You drink several cups of coffee every day
If you only drink a cup of coffee in the café occasionally, you will not get much of the stomach problems and heartburn, but you probably know the racing heart.
Another reason for the side effects of coffee are coffee acids. These potentiate them Stomach acidwhich in turn can lead to the unpleasant heartburn. These acids are alike in roasted and green coffee, but in roasted beans they are more felt for our body.
Almost every roasted coffee available in the supermarket was industrially roasted. Industrial roasting is usually far too strong and thus produces more roasting fabrics than necessary. These roasts in coffee in turn ensure more stomach problems.
So what coffee is the right thing with stomach problems? Or should you better Drink less coffee And then stop?
2. Drink less coffee and stop
Many do not want to miss the taste of coffee, but they are angry and run the risk of getting esophageal cancer or larynx cancer every day.
Less coffee is usually not sufficient, and switching to a coffee alternative is usually too far from the original taste.
You can find out how you can still drink less coffee or completely stop in our article: “Drink less coffee or stop completely, so the waiver works!“.
3. Change coffee - avoid stomach problems and heartburn?
Switching to a high quality coffee can be a solution. By better roasting an experienced coffee maker, at least the harmful roasting fabrics can be reduced. However, it will never be entirely possible to eliminate the roasts.
A change in coffee is therefore a good start, but does not help with the coffee acid, it remains in the bean and caused the unpleasant stomach problems and heartburn.
A slightly roasted coffee is always the coffee with stomach problems, which is most likely suitable.
4. Which coffee for stomach problems and heartburn
In the meantime, you will probably have already recognized that it is not done with a simple change of coffee, which ends the stomach problems and heartburn. Coffee has the property of an acid -forming drink.
There is therefore no coffee that is particularly suitable for stomach problems and heartburn. However, there is the possibility to mix the coffee with a basic drink. The sodium methde is also widespread, in which the ground coffee is mixed with sodium powder. However, this is not recommended.
A coffee that can still be drunk with stomach problems and heartburn should have the following properties:
- Predominantly basic
- Still high caffeine content
- Coffee
- Gentle roasting
We therefore have Guayusa Combined tea with coffee. Guayusa tea Is a special plant made of Ecuador and often grows there with coffee trees. The leaves are the most coffin -rich in the world and look very pleasant Making awake, do not cause a racing heart, are basic and mild in taste. This Guayusa-Tee coffee mixture Has a very dominant coffee taste, does not cause a racing heart and is gentle.
This mixture makes itself the very best if you want to or have to drink less coffee, since you do not need to do without the effect or taste.
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5. Guayusa As a coffee alternative
Guayusa Tea as a single drink is not a substitute for the coffee taste, but the tea from Ecuador offers some advantages that you also use our coffeeGuayusa Mix will feel. Besides a quiet stomach Guayusa In addition, the nerves, do not make jibble, but focus and revitalize the minds comfortably over several hours.
The basic effect also has no effect on the production of gastric acid and the enormous number of antioxidants helps the body to deal better with oxidative stress during the day.
6. Conclusion
It is difficult to say which coffee is the best for stomach problems, because every coffee, whether roasted or unsolved, has coffee acids that can stimulate the production of stomach acid and lead to heartburn. The roasts still make this condition worsen.
The best known alternative is the mixture of high -quality and gentle roasted coffee Guayusa Tea. Guayusa Tea only affects the coffee taste minimally, but has an enormously positive impact on the effect. With a 50/50 mix like ours Guayusa-Coffee mix For most customers there are no stomach problems and heartburn. The rapid heartbeat, shakiness and the stress of stress are also available longer.